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Hydraulic Formulas

Torque, HP, Speed Relations in Hydraulic Pumps & Motors

T = (HP x 5252) / RPM HP = (T x RPM) / 5252 RPM = (HP x 5252) / T


T = Torque, foot-lbs
RPM = Speed, revs./minute
HP = Horsepower

Hydraulic Power Flowing Through the Pipes

HP = (PSI x GPM) / 1714


HP = Horsepower
PSI = Gauge pressure, lbs/sq. inch
GPM = Flow, gallons per minute

Force Developed by an Air or Hydraulic Cylinder

F = A x PSI


F = Force or thrust, lbs
A = Piston area, square inches
PSI = Gauge pressure, lbs/sq. inch

Inch & Millimeters (MM) Conversions

MM = inches x 25.4
Inches = MM x 0.03937

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2 Free Ground Shipping requires a minimum order value of $35 before tax, with a max total order weight of 50lbs., and is limited to the contiguous United States. This offer applies to select products sold by Bailey International LLC on or in our catalogs and is subject to our terms and conditions. This offer does not apply to shipments that are shipped via freight or air methods. This offer is valid only for shipments within the contiguous US States. This offer excludes previous orders, or custom products. This offer may not be used in conjunction with any other negotiated account-based discount, coupon or promotion. Please contact your Bailey representative for details.